Thursday, December 2, 2010

Broccoli > Carrots

Have you ever started cooking something, and you can't really pinpoint exactly what the dish will end up tasting like? That's how I felt about this dish, and it ended up surprising me with it's charm. This broccoli and cauliflower gratin can be done with or without the preference, with! (Duh...I studied in Italy. A meal isn't complete without carb city.)

What you'll need:

-1 small head of Broccoli, trimmed into florets
-1 small head of Cauliflower, trimmed into florets
-2 cups Sour Cream
-1 tbsp Dijon Mustard
-1/3 cup Chives, finely chopped
-2 cloves of Garlic, peeled and grated or crushed into paste
-Freshly Ground Black Pepper
-2 1/2 cups Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese
-1 pound Penne Pasta

Preheat your oven at 375 degrees. Begin by boiling a large pot of water over medium heat. Salt the water and add the broccoli and cauliflower florets. Boil these bad boys for about 5 minutes, and then remove them with a strainer and drain. Once out of the pot, go ahead and start boiling the pasta in the same water until al dente. In the mean time, combine the sour cream in a large bowl along with the mustard, chives, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. You can now add your pasta and cauliflower and about 2/3 of the cheese. Stir to combine everything and then transfer to a pyrex or other baking dish. Cover with the remaining cheese and bake for about 40-45 minutes until golden brown and bubbly. 


And while you're waiting...

My dad sent me this recipe for Broccoli and Cauliflower Gratin and it brought back warm memories of eating broccoli at our kitchen counter in NJ. I used to beg for broccoli...what kind of kid BEGS for broccoli?? Me...apparently. Carrots, on the other hand, I was not so fond of.

During one specific dinner, when I was about 12, I was struggling with the consumption of my carrots. There were three baby carrots left in front of me, staring me down like they were Chuck Norris and I was about to get a roundhouse kick to the face. What, I ask, is so appealing about mushy, orange, cooked carrots that have the texture of baby food? Nothing, in my opinion. But on this night, it was not my opinion that mattered but my father's.

"Jessica, you're going to sit at the table until all your carrots are finished; you're not going anywhere until I see them consumed."

Everyone had already gotten up and was done with dinner, while I was left there in shame with my three pathetic carrots. I attempted every excuse in my power to get out of it.

"But I'm full!"
"But Katie had less carrots than me!"
"But I heard if you plant carrots in the ground, it's supposed to be good for the soil..."

Nothing worked. I looked up and my father was washing the dishes, passing time while he waited on my plate. So I decided to do what any innocent, well behaved child would do. I waited for my dad to turn his back, chewed the carrots for about 5 seconds, spit them into my napkin, crumpled it up and put it next to my plate.


I was so impressed with myself; I had outsmarted papa bear! You couldn't even see the orange mush through the crumpled up napkin...WIN!

Boy, was I a dumbass. (Excuse my French, but I was.)

Upon examining my plate, he saw right through my not-so-clever tactics. My night ended with 6 more freshly cooked carrots (oh yes, he doubled the original amount). I also received the pleasant task of finishing the carrots that I had hidden in the napkin...yes, the ones I had already CHEWED AND SPIT OUT. Yay, mush-tastic delight.

But what does this have to do with today's recipe? Absolutely nothing! Except that cauliflower=broccoli > carrots!

So once your dish is finished baking, take it out of the oven and let it cool for a couple minutes. I set aside some extra grated cheese in case I wanted to add more to my plate. This dish was easy to make and delightful! I even got my friend to eat this and he hates broccoli...just sayin'.

Couldn't get a pic till halfway through; we were hungry!