Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Le History

Welcome to my blog-Olive Your Cooking!

So Papa bear (dad) and I have been throwing around the idea of writing a cookbook, so I thought this might be a great way to showcase some recipes and and log my chaotic attempts at becoming a respectable chef. He sends me recipes and I get to try them, adding and tweaking them as I go and writing about it. We're just like Julie and Julia...but Mark and Jess:

You should always dress like this when you cook!
Lobsters are terrifying.

Yes I used FACEinHOLE...I don't have photoshop; don't judge me. Julia looks good with Mark's beard.

I grew up in a household where the kitchen was the center of everything, just as the logic is in Italy. I know what good cooking looks like, and more importantly, tastes like. If you've been to the Godby household, you've likely spent more time at the kitchen counter than in the rest of the house, and have been bombarded by my dad to talk culinary expertise at least once or twice. I'm consistently impressed with his dishes that I like to call "savory art" and am on a mission to achieve some level of this success in my own kitchen.

Okay, maybe I'm bragging a little bit....but seriously, it's good.

So keep a lookout; you've got some good recipes rolling your way soon, complete with my take on them. Be sure to leave feedback if you decide to try cooking any yourself-I'd love to get your input and maybe you have some great suggestions to offer as well, so don't be afraid to comment.

Here's to my feeble attempts at becoming a quality future housewife! Expect the first recipe this week :).

1 comment:

  1. "Quality future housewife" -- I hope you aspire to be more than that...
