Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Story

One day after middle school, I headed through the back screen door of our home in Holland Township, NJ. My dad was whisking something in a bowl and I asked him what was for dinner. He held up some form of drenched meat and declared, "baby chickens." Not phased, I went upstairs and started my homework.


My sister and I barreled down the stairs to fight over the best seat at the counter. No one liked the end chairs at our house-one was next to the door and you would either a. get continuously hit with the door by people walking in and out, or b. have to get out of your chair every 5 minutes and close and open the door for the dog.

Plopped down in front of us were these decadent looking chicken legs drenched in a sauce comparable to a barbecue-type dressing, laid over a bed of rice. Upon first bite, I concluded that baby chicken legs were the best thing I had ever tasted in my 13 years of life. Why had dad never made these before? Seemed like a simple dish and it tasted like someone bottled happiness in a jar and then spilled it onto my plate.

Salivating, I pleaded for more. When all the legs were gone, I took my pointer finger and picked up the rest of the sauce off my plate and licked it clean, rocking back in forth in my swivel chair with utter glee. As I was doing so, my father called my mother who was on her way home from work. They chatted as per usual, and then my father interrupted, "Rose...you'll never guess what your girls just ate."

Katie (my sister) and I exchanged suspicious looks.

"...They're licking their plates clean too..."

Seriously dad? Out of all the different stuff you've made us try and you're bragging about baby chickens...


My swivel chair came to an immediate halt. No...the horror. Please no. NO. For the love of God, you are joking, dad. (insert whimpering sound here)

I looked out the back door at our pond and I could hear all the frogs ribbiting around me, upset that I had just barbarically devoured their cousins. It was like one of those scenes you see in movies where the protagonist is stuck in a hallucinogenic-type mode where there is a white orb around his/her head with items dancing around in a clock-wise motion. My orb contained frogs, ribbiting sounds, and dry heaving.

I think Katie must have had a similar orb experience because the look of absolute terror on her face matched my own. It was at this moment that we bolted back up the stairs and made a mad dash for our bathroom. We used up a half a tube of toothpaste, and I very clearly remember 4 cups of mouthwash to get the taste of panic out of my mouth. I can't explain the amount of extreme toothbrushing that went on and I attempted to find you a video to demonstrate said chaos, but I could only find an annoying guy screaming while brushing his teeth. The volume at which this man was yelling might deafen you and cause you to never read my blog again, so instead I provide you with something far more calming and interesting to look at:


And that's how I ended up getting tricked into eating frogs' legs. The End.


  1. Would have been better if you didn't already tell me that story.... I already knew the ending! =)

  2. They actually are! I was just so horrified that I ate frogs that I was slightly scarred...but now I think I would try them again. They were really quite delicious.
