Monday, March 5, 2012

Super Late-Super Bowl

It's here! The Super Bowl post. Yes, a month late...

First off, can I get a HOLLA for the Giants pulling out a Super Bowl win again?!
Okay okay, food time. I made a delicious little batch of items, and it was all pretty easy!


For the chili, I used the same recipe from last year. You can find it here. It was approved by party members all around. It's spicy...and bangin'.

Chocolate Covered Footballs

And by "footballs", I mean strawberries that look like footballs! I got this idea from Pinterest. 

What You'll Need:

-1 package Milk Chocolate Chips
-2 dozen Strawberries
-Wax Paper
-White Piping Icing
So basically, you just need to melt a package of milk chocolate chips over a boiling pot of water, as you would when making regular chocolate covered strawberries. Once my strawberries were cleaned and the chocolate was fully melted, I dipped each into the chocolate and twisted it around until the strawberry was fully covered.

Transfer these to a tray covered with wax paper. Let these sit in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. I recommend doing these the day before so you only have to worry about piping the strawberries with icing on the actual day. 

Once they are cooled and ready to be piped, outline the edges in a circular pattern. Then, add a line down the middle and pipe 4 lines across in the other direction. Vuola-footballs!

Chocolate Covered Bananas with Peanut Butter

HOLY CRAP. These were like little bites of heaven. Seriously.

What you'll need:

-1 package Milk Chocolate Chips
-2 Bananas
-Peanut Butter
-Wax Paper

Melt a package of milk chocolate as you did above. Slice up a banana and cover each slice with a little dollop of peanut butter. 

Using a fork as a lever, spoon the melted chocolate over the slice until it is fully covered and transfer to a tray covered with wax paper. Freeze for 6-8 hours and serve.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting

So, for gluten free cupcakes, these were pretty good. My friend is vegan and has a whole book of gluten free cupcakes, so she sent me this recipe and I figured this would be a good opportunity to try it out.

What you'll need:

-1 cup Soy Milk
-1/2 cup Canola Oil
-3/4 cup Sugar
-2 tsp Vanilla Extract
-1/4 tsp Almond Extract
-1/4 cup Tapioca Flour
-2 tbsp ground Flax Seed
-1/3 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
-1/2 cup White Rice Flour
-1/2 cup Quinoa Flour
-1 tsp Baking Powder
-1/2 tsp Baking Soda
-1/4 tsp Salt

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the Soy Milk, Canola Oil, Sugar, and Vanilla & Almond Extracts on medium speed to blend. Add the Tapioca Flour and Flax Seed to the bowl and mix on high for a minute or so. Add the Cocoa Powder, White Rice Flour, Quinoa Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, and Salt. Mix on medium-high for about 2-3 minutes, until everything is blended well.

Fill 12 cupcake liners about 3/4 of the way full, as these will not rise as much as normal cupcakes. Bake for 20-22 mins, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Once these have cooled, you can add your frosting. (I will post the recipe for the frosting in a bit.)

I also had a standard veggie platter and bought some sweet nose cups:

Oh yes.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Asparagus Gratin Deliciousness.

Downside of today: No hip hop class because I'm sick.
Upside: You get a new recipe because I stayed home and cooked.

If you're anything like me, you're a firm believe that asparagus tastes like rubbery grass if cooked incorrectly. So, I cooked up an asparagus gratin with a twist, check it out:

What you'll need:
-1 1/2 pounds thin Asparagus
-3 cups Water
-2 tablespoons Butter
-2 tablespoons Flour (I used Rice Flour to substitute for the gluten)
-1 cup Parmesan Cheese, grated
-1/2 cup Monterey Jack Cheese, shredded
-Salt and Pepper

Start by boiling your 3 cups of water on medium to high heat. While you're waiting for your water to come to a boil, cut all the thick ends off of the asparagus. Once your water has boiled, add these ends to the water, cover, and boil for 5 mins.

You may want to take this opportunity to portion out the rest of your ingredients.

Remove the ends from the water with a slotted spoon and discard. Add the stalks to the water and boil on medium heat for about 4-6 mins, or until almost tender.

Place your asparagus in a broil-safe cooking dish. You may want to put down a paper towel first to soak up the water until you are ready to add to your dish.

Reserve one cup of water from the pot you were using to boil the asparagus; dump out the rest.

Add your butter to the now empty pot. Once it has melted, stir in your flour until the mixture turns a light brown, about one minute. Whisk in the reserved asparagus water and bring to a boil on low heat until thickened.

Remove from the heat and whisk in 1/2 of your parmesan and all of the monterey jack cheese. Stir until thick. Season with a dash of salt and pepper, cover, and let sit for 5 mins.

At this time, you can remove the paper towel and spread out the asparagus evenly in the dish. Top the asparagus with prosciutto. You can do this part however you want-I broke it up into pieces, but you can wrap it around your asparagus, or just layer it on top.

Not my best layering job...
Add your mixture to the dish, covering the asparagus, and top with the remaining parmesan cheese.

Broil it on high until the cheese turns golden brown and serve with a fruit salad or other side!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Best Gift I Ever Gave

Now that the holidays have passed, it is easier to reflect and write about "Olive Your Cooking-A Godby Family Cookbook, Volume 1."

I always struggle with what to get my dad for Christmas, as he always asks for the same four things:

-Cooking tools

-Certificate to go get a massage
-Golf balls
-A Clive Cussler book

As you can imagine, this gets repetitive year after year. So this year I finally had an epiphany in early November that I could start crafting together a series of Godby Family Cookbooks, and this year would be the first. 
The book is a great collection of our own recipes, family photos, and memories. Here's a few pages and photos of the book-take a look for yourself! (Sorry for the picture quality-it truly doesn't do it justice.)

Now off to keep cooking for volume 2!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Healthy Recipe Overload and the Story of the Jalapeno Hand Crisis

We've all seen or at least heard of "The Biggest Loser". But if you live under a rock, or are my best friend that lives in Taiwan and is completely detached from any modern day TV references every time that I mention one, the show is about a group of people who compete to lose the most amount of weight through diet and exercise. So, we are competing in a Biggest Loser challenge at work. It's optional, not sponsored by the company, lasts for 8 weeks, and begins today. I'm competing. This week's line-up? Zumba today, Boxing tomorrow, and Hip Hop on Wednesday. Bring it on, competition, because I'm gonna be bustin' a move like this grandma:

That being said, recipes for the next 8 weeks will be mainly gluten-free and healthy because I'm vowing to cut out gluten (minus a couple beers-let's be real here, people...St. Patrick's Day is coming up) and work out like a crazy person.

One thing that I love to eat is Guacamole. It's easy to make, delicious, and if you buy corn chips for dipping, you don't need to worry about gluten! Months ago, I made this guacamole recipe for the first time, and this is how the story of the Jalapeno Hand Crisis came to be.

I was making a pre-dinner appetizer. The guacamole recipe is quite easy to follow-the last thing I did was add the jalapeno. I diced it up, mixed together the ingredients, and threw it into the refrigerator to cool it.

Ten minutes later, I thought I had a paper cut on my pinkie that I had squeezed lime juice into, as it was stinging like crazy. I examined my finger and couldn't find any type of cut, but still tried to locate the source of the pain. Then, the pain traveled from my pinkie to my ring finger. And then to my middle finger. And then to my pointer finger. Before I knew it, my entire hand felt like I was holding it over an open flame. I called my dad and asked him about the jalapeno addition to the recipe. It was at this point that he laughed at me for being stupid enough to cut a jalapeno with my bare hands and told me I would have to stick it out until the pain went away. If any of you have ever made the mistake of cutting a jalapeno with your bare hands, you know that those words bring you no relief.

This is a list of items I attempted to put on my hands, or dip my hands in, in order to take away the pain:


-Nail Polish Remover
-Lemon Juice
-Sour Cream
-Lime Juice
-Hydrogen Peroxide
-Heavy Cream

The only thing that soothed the pain was leaving my hand in a glass of milk, which I proceeded to do, for the next 4 hours. It actually took THAT long for the pain to leave my hand. I read accounts where it lasted 24 hours for some conclusively, WEAR GLOVES WHEN  YOU CUT JALAPENOS.

90% of you probably already knew that, but in case you have the intelligence of a pine cone when it comes to cooking with peppers like myself, don't say I didn't warn you.

What you'll need:

-3 Avocados, peeled, seeded, chopped
-1/2 White Onion, chopped finely
-1 Garlic Clove, minced
-1/2 Jalapeno, seeded, chopped finely
-1 Lime, squeezed (2 tsp)
-1/4 cup Cilantro, minced
-Salt and Pepper to taste

Mash the avocado with a fork in a medium sized bowl. Add all the other ingredients and mix. Cool and serve!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Reese's...the Cupcake Kind

I have recently become a bit of a Cupcake Queen, to the point where I am finally starting to understand the science of what goes into making a great cupcake. I've been going back and forth about whether or not to post these recipes, as this blog is mainly about cooking, but I've decided to roll with it and add the baking, plus all things food-related. Deal with it.

That being said, I made the most bangin' cupcakes last night! Chocolate cupcakes with a Peanut Butter Cream Cheese frosting, topped with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Oh yes.

What you'll need:

(Chocolate Cupcakes)
-2 cups Sugar
-1 3/4 cups All Purpose Flour
-3/4 cup Unsweetened Cocoa
-1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
-1 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
-1 tsp Salt
-2 Eggs
-1 cup Whole Milk
-1/2 cup Vegetable Oil
-2 tsp Vanilla Extract
-1 cup Boiling Water

What you'll need:

(Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting-
-8 oz. Cream Cheese
-4 tbsp Butter, softened
-1/2 cup creamy Peanut Butter
-3 cups powdered Confectioner's Sugar
-1/4 cup Heavy Cream
-Reese's mini Peanut Butter Cups

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, combine the Sugar, Flour, Cocoa, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, and Salt. Add the Eggs, Milk, and Vanilla, and beat on medium speed for 1-2 mins. Stir in the boiling water.

It is important to note that at this point, your batter will look very watery. DO NOT PANIC. It's supposed to look like this. I poured my batter into a measuring cup with a spout so I could easily pour it into the cupcake liners. Fill 24 cupcake liners about 2/3 full with the batter. Bake at 350 for about 20-25 mins, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

While your cupcakes are baking, you can get started on your frosting. Beat the cream cheese and butter together until mixed well. Add the peanut butter and let it sit for 2 mins. Add the Confectioner's Sugar and Heavy Cream and beat well until smooth and light.

Once your cupcakes have cooled, ice each, top with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and serve. These were an absolute hit in my office-gone by lunch time!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bruschetta Chicken with Cucumber Salad

Happy New Year!

As we roll into the new year, you're probably one of the hundreds of people flooding the gym this week, with aspirations that this is going to be the year they finally get their high school body back! Let's be real. This lasts about 2 weeks, maybe 4 if you're lucky, and then the early onset of Valentine's Day candy sends you plummeting right back to your acceptance of being a fat kid for life. But while you're on a temporary resolution high, try out this healthy and easy-to-make meal.

What you'll need (Bruschetta Chicken):

-4 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
-2 Plum Tomatoes, finely chopped
-1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella Cheese
-1/4 cup freshly chopped Basil
-Balsamic Vinegar
-Extra Virgin Olive Oil
-Salt and Pepper

What you'll need (Cucumber Salad):

-1/2 cup Sour Cream
-2 tablespoons fresh Lemon Juice
-2 tablespoons chopped, fresh Dill
-4 Cucumbers
-Salt and Pepper

Clean your chicken breasts and coat with a dash of salt and pepper. Grill the breasts on a medium temperature until they are cooked all the way through.

While your chicken is cooking, combine the tomatoes, cheese, and basil in a small bowl. Add Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil to taste, almost 1/4 cup. Add Salt and Pepper to taste. This will be the topping for your chicken.

Now you can get started on your Cucumber Salad. Whisk together the Sour Cream, Lemon Juice, and Dill. Add the cucumbers and toss to coat. Add Salt and Pepper to taste and toss to coat.

By now, your chicken should be grilled all the way through. Add the Bruschetta topping to your chicken and serve!